Le Béninois Libéré is a Beninese daily which, like all its friends, must meet the requirements of HAAC, which requires all press organs to have their website on the .bj extension. The newspaper already having its site on the .info extension. It is necessary to transfer and make the site accessible on the .bj extension
We first linked the new domain name (lebeninoislibere.bj) to hosting and files before starting to make the configurations, adjustments and training.
After that, we created and installed the online broadcast channel on the /BL Web TV link.
Finally, we trained the staff on the live broadcast on the site.
In less than a week, on a daily basis, we have enabled the liberated Beninese to meet the requirements of the HAAC.Any question ? Contact us now : +229 60 63 63 16 - +229 68 50 38 50